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Wednesday, May 28, 2003


Sunday, May 25, 2003
We spent a lot of time on sunday re-arranging and cleaning up the living room. Looks a lot better now. Our problem is that we have two couches (neither really match each other) but no chairs or loveseats. The second couch was supposed to go into the second bedroom as part of the den/game room idea, however, with a teeny-tiny, narrow, 90 degree turn hallway, there was just no way short of chopping the couch in half that it could get in there. To be honest, I don't have a clue how they expect people to get a bed in there (since it is technically a second bedroom). My Love was really annoyed with the current set-up, because everything was at an off-angle and he couldn't configure the surround sound in any format that was realistic. (The speakers were off in weird, non left/right/center positions.) Now, the entertaiment center is straight across from one couch and the surround sound set up accordingly, though the second couch is mostly useless for tv watching, it at least is still seating. He's happier about it, so that's good.

After doing all that, it was kinda late, but since Monday was Memorial Day and everyone had off, we went ahead and watched Star Trek: Nemesis on dvd. Rand had picked it up at Best Buy for only $16.99 (everyone else had it "on sale" for $19.99 which isn't a sale in my book) the day before. We had watched the movie when it came out in the theaters and I had noticed that Wesley Crusher was off to the side in the wedding scene next to his mom and come to find out on wilwheaton.net that he had a scene that was cut. No biggie, that happens in movies (though if you read the entry, I feel bad for Wil; they also didn't invite him to the final cast party screening of the movie and instead, told him to show up on the crew day or something) but I was looking forward to seeing it in the deleted scenes on the dvd. It wasn't even included in the deleted scenes Rick Berman hates WIl apparenently for some utterly unknown reason, to the degree that you can't even see his deleted scene on the dvd. How assy is that? Who knows, maybe there will be a special, special edition sometime after everyone's bought the current one that will have more on it. I mean, they included lame 15-second "scenes" of like one-line (in with a couple good ones, I'l grant you like Troi's and the new first officer ending), but not a highly discussed scene of Wil's. They don't mention him anywhere on the dvd and that just stinks.

Monday, May 26, 2003
Had a BBQ over at Rand's parent's house. I was really tired (and even dozed a little on the patio chair while everyone sat around talking around the pool) because I had gone to bed quite late the night before (we didn't even finish watching Nemesis until like 1:30am) and had to get up early to get ready to go over there. Problem was that dinner ended up being way later then expected and we ended up being there for many, many hours. Normally, not a bad thing, but I was really crampy and sore and just not feeling good because I had just started my cycle that day. Ugh...all I wanted to do was go home, curl up and nap.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Couple friends came over for a bit yesterday. No biggie. They played video games with my Love and I worked on some postcardx stuff. Got yet another person interested in pX though so I think I've now been responsible for about seven people joining. It's too cool. *grins* Ended up staying up until like 4am last night (hadn't planned on it), but then I overslept this morning and I still feel sleepy like I want to take a nap.

Today.... Wednesday May 28th
So....sleepy. Still a little sore/crampy. Want to take a nap even though I've only been up for two hours. Need to take a shower though because we're going out to see Bruce Almighty tonight. Wanted to see it over the weekend, but we just didn't end up having time. It looks really funny and a couple of our friends saw it and said it was. I think the idea is just a damned clever one and hopefully, it's a good example of Jim Carrey being funny (Liar, Liar) and not him being just stupid (Ace Ventura).

Um.....yeah. Think that's it. Groggy and sleepy, I'm trying to decide if I'd feel better or worse with a nap. There's nothing worse then that stuffy-head/dizzy feeling when you doze off and then feel worse for it. Ugh. Hrm. Oh well. Out for now.

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