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Friday, May 02, 2003

Let's see.... first off, hope everyone had a lovely Beltane yesterday. I, unfortunatly, spend the majority of the day and night, wimpering in pain with yet another migraine that left me in hell and pretty much disabled again. I can't keep dealing with this shit. I need medical attention and medication for these things, but I don't have the money to see a doctor, let alone the fact that a prescription of Imitrex is $240 for nine pills without insurance. Yeah, they're $30 a pill. Not to mention, I can't even afford the visit to the doctor. I can't get insurance on my Love's policy because you have to be married (which we're not) and I can't afford to buy it on my own because the last policy I had through my company was still over $300 a month for the premuim (of which I had to pay half) and that was on a GROUP HMO plan, not even just a single person going for a rate. (They give discounted rates to groups, so it'd be even higher then that to get it for myself). There's no fucking way I have that kind of money a month for insurance. It's crap. I hate the fact that a few big businesses can determine who does and does not get the medical attention they need. Migraines are not just "bad headaches" nor can taking a couple asprin help you. It's a condition that can be managed but it can't be cured and it can't be left just "oh well, deal with it." It's like a person with asthma. They need to have an inhaler for when they get an attack. The inhaler doesn't cure the asthma, it just halts the attack. Same thing with the migraine medications. They won't cure migraines (there is no cure), but they will halt an attack. It's just as medically necessary as the inhaler for the asthma sufferer, but insurance companies refuse to accept that and many primary care doctors remain ignorant to that as well(handing out prescriptions for other pain relievers or sedatives when they won't and don't do a thing to halt the attack). Even my friend Rand's mom suffers from them and even though she has insurance, her insurance company will refuse to pay for a renewal of prescription if she fills it more then once every 30 days. Keep in mind the prescription's only for NINE pills and you generally have to take several per attack to halt and then kill it. That is just SO terrible! How can they deny a person the medication that they need and that their doctor has deemed necessary for them? It's ridiculous that we let these fucking companies get away with shit like this!

Finally got some sleep last night - I took two naps during the day yesterday in an attempt to stave off the migraine, but it didn't help - and woke up feeling better (thank gods). I also have some problems with my RoadRunner yesterday - seems either my network card is going wonky or something because I guess suddenly, when it's requesting an IP, it's trying to get a static IP and so yesterday, it tried to get an IP that had already been leased by another machine and it wouldn't just take any, and so I lost my connectivity. I already checked the TCP/IP settings and it's set to get "any" IP (not looking for a specific one only) so it might be going bad or I might need to reinstall my drivers or something. RR gives me a virtually static IP - it just doesn't change often, I generally renew the same IP for days or weeks at a time - but it's not truly a static IP. So...at any time, when I go to renew my IP lease, I could lose my connection again. If I disappear, that's why. *grumbles* Though I got RR to give me a week worth of credit on my bill since I told him I couldn't resolve any hardware issues for a couple days and that I shouldn't have to pay for a connection that I can't truly count on to use. Groovy that he agreed. :)

Mika's doing well; she really settling in and getting happy to hang out with us and is starting to seek me out for attention sometimes which is nice. She jumped up on my lap while I was sitting in my pc chair yesterday, sticking her tail up in my face and putting her paws on my keyboard, purring at me and generally just demanding some love. It was really cute and sweet. I turned the webcam on really quickly to try to get a shot and though the light was really poor, it's still cute and it looked a little something like this:

That's about it for now I think. More later perhaps.

[note] it totally fucked up while trying to post this, crashing out my FTP program AND IE and luckily I had just enough time to save my entry before it happened. fucking piece of shit connection. grr.

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