wishlist and mailing address

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I got a message from a man interested in Russian Blue cats and curious about them as a breed. He had seen Kush's site and wanted to know more about the breed. Of course, from everything I've read, Russian Blues are wonderful cats and a very smart and loving breed overall.

He was also curious about how to get a cat not to scratch furniture and this made me think of this post about how declawing has been banned in part of California. I did a quick search on the web and found a great resource on how to teach your cat appropriate scratcing behavoir and I wanted to share it with everyone who has a cat or is thinking of getting one. CatScratching.com has a great, in-depth article on why cats scratch and how to encourage them to use the items you provide for them instead of your couch. It's a good read for anyone interested in cats, cat owners, and those who enjoy insights into cat actions. Above all else, it reaffirms the fact you should NOT declaw your cat.

Some good resources here for everyone and I wanted to share. Heading out to the mall now with my friend Jef, so I'm out.

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