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Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Headache. Tired. Off to bed with me. Have to get up and go over to Rand's mom's house tomorrow for more ACT! training. She wanted to get together last week but I was too much of a wreck and then she wanted to get together today, but she ended up having errunds to run and such and wasn't going to be home until like 3pm. So...tomorrow it is. Meaning I need to get some sleep and try to get over this headache so I can get up and be productive tomorrow and make a few bucks.

I'll get around to a real update again soon. Mika's doing good by the way and is a cutie. She's just so much more hyper then I'm used to, but it's cute so it's all good. Still miss Kush; still cry over him when I think about not having him around, but I'm getting by. I'm learning that having another kitty helps remind me that there’s always room in the heart for new love and that new love doesn’t invalidate or make any less of those we loved before.

On that gushy note, I'm off to go to bed. Night all. Take care of yourselves and the ones you love.

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