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Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Yesterday, my head just started to hurt again and got to a point where I had to just slap a migraine ice on my forehead and call it a night at like 1am. Man, these migraines keep coming out of no where. It drives me crazy. Slept until like 10am and I'm feeling better now though I still don't know why it attacked me in the first place.

I've been working on a ton of necklaces and bracelets again lately. I think I'm gearing up to finally launch my jewelry site. My Love's been big on working on his art again (yeah, it's about time!) and he's doing so great. It's been a creative household lately.

Seems like Jef and Karii are coming over today. She rented a game for the GameCube and he bought one, so gaming looks to be on the agenda. Um...that's about it for the moment, so short with the entry. :)

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