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Friday, March 14, 2003

Weeeee! Had fun tonight. Went to Game Works. A big group of us - seven in total - went in two cars and met up at the place. Karii, three of her friends, Jef, my Love and I got something to eat at the resturant there to kill time 'til 9pm when the unlimited Thursday night specials came into play ($10 unlimited play from 9pm-2am for ladies and $20 unlimited from 9pm-2am for everyone else -Good Deal!!). It's so nice when I get to go out and do something like this, just cheers me up.

Played a bunch of games, had one of their yummy All American Daiquiris and Jef got to see the place for the first time (he works weekend nights - the only time we ever normally go) and really liked it. It's so his kind of place. We kept trying to get him to mack on some of the chicks - after 10pm it's 18 and up, so I told him he was assured to have all legal pickings *lol* - but, it's Spring Break and the options were slim. Most were also there with their boyfriends. Oh well, at least we got him out and talking to one cute chick anyway. It's a start.


I am sleepy now so I'm gonna go get changed and settle down to watch a little tv before sleep. Nighters!

[edit:] How funny. I was just talking about going to GameWorks today and someone found my journal tonight with this search: centro ybor next door to gameworks Amusing. ;)

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