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Wednesday, March 26, 2003

I've had a headache and that groggy/queasy feeling all day since 9am this morning, the apartment complex decided they needed to pressure clean the SIDEWALKS and park a truck with an extremely loud compressed air motor directly under my window and leave it running non-stop for almost a solid hour. Ugh. It was seriously painful to listen to. It echoed through the entire apartment and made my ears ring. It was so not a nice way to wake up. (Especially since I went to bed after 3am and had planned to get up sometime around 11, so was right in the middle of still sleeping). I can't believe they spent all this time cleaning the sidewalk - which is streaky now and looks so stupid - and that they somehow thought it'd be ok to have ear-splitting decible levels going non-stop outside people's bedroom windows for an hour. Ugh. Sometimes, the complex is so annoyingly stupid!

I ended up having to get up - after laying there with my head under the pillows and my fingers in my ears - to move to the other side of the apartment, just to stop my ears from exploding. By the time it was over, I was awake, but still very tired and sporting a headache to boot. I ended up trying to lay down for a little again at like 10:30am and slept for about an hour, but by then, I had that tired/groggy/urpy feeling thing going on and it hasn't left all day. Ugh. It's like I need a "reset" button so I can get rid of that feeling.

My mom came over and hung out (and of course, insisted on washing my dirty pots in the sink like she always does *lol*) for a couple hours today. She wanted to get to visit with Kush-ka (she likes to to it like once a week or so since we never know how much longer he'll be with us). Then she discovered VH1-Classic on my digital cable and fell in love. We watched it for like an hour and made fun of all the bad 80's effects and non-sensical videos by Culture Club and related, but she still really wants it. I told her to upgrade to digital cable (only now available in her area as of last year) but she doesn't want to spend the extra $6.95/month despite the fact she said that's exactly the kind of channel she'd leave on all day. Silly mom.

Working on new journal layouts after she left a bit. Then my Love came home and made us an uber yummy dinner (with the hawaiian maranade chicken and our favorite, Uncle Ben's Three Cheese rice) and now we're going to go watch the first new West Wing episode in three weeks. Yeah! So, that's the sum of today thus far. Jef's on a first date tonight, so good thoughts to him and over-eager me will just have to wait for him to call and give me the recap.

Ta for now!

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