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Monday, February 24, 2003

Had a nice day yesterday just my Love and I hanging out. Most days (weekday and weekend, we have our friends over. Our apartment is Grand Central Station normally). We made a point though to take time just for ourselves since we really don't get to spend time together and we're both noticing that and the distance and strain it's been putting on the relationship. We've decided to make sure we dedicate more time just one-on-one.

Don't know what the deal is with the car. We filled the radiator with antifreeze (took a whole container - don't know why it was so low, must have a leak somewhere) and we managed to run to the store and such without problem. Somewhere along the way, we must have a leak in a hose, the water pump might be going, or the cap's leaking fluid. Apparently we need to get a pressure test to track the flow of the fluid and see if it's escaping anywhere, but that's just going to have to wait (like a month.) We're tapped out now, and the next paycheck doesn't come until March 7th and that goes all towards rent (which is due on the 4th, so don't ask me how we're going to avoid the $100 in late fees since we can't pay it on the 4th). So, it's roll the dice, drive over two hours away on Saturday (for my Love's cousin's wedding) and hope we don't break down somewhere (without a cell phone or anything since we don't have one).


Tonight, we're having people over - my friend Rand and my Love are playing on the GameCube right now - and I'm in the middle of making a necklace so I'm going to go. I just wanted to post an entry since my network went down an hour or so ago when I was originally going to write something and I just got it back up now. Stupid computers. Not much else to report.

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