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Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Yeah! Slept great. Neck's finally feeling better. In a good mood for the first time in days. It's amazing how just feeling better - like in this case, how my neck's not killing me and giving me near-constant migranes - makes everything else seem better. Yeah, we're still dead broke and such, but that's not nearly as overwhelming when I got a great night's sleep and I actually feel good. :)

wee! But DAMN, I'm freezing. My Love's got the a/c blasting even though it's like 60 degrees outside. He's a freak! He turns it waaaay down low while he's getting ready in the moring, then leaves it that way so when I wake up, it's 65 degrees in the apartment and my feet are numb and there's icicles on the ceiling fan. ARG. I HATE BEING COLD!

Ok, off to go turn on the heater instead. ttfn

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