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Sunday, January 12, 2003

I've been....

...playing too much Animal Crossing (got Jef to leave the GameCube over here yesterday and between my Love, my friend Rand and I, we literally spent all day playing it)

...testing out a new keyboard my Love gave me for Xmas (but that I only hooked up last night) I like it and I don't, I'm trying to get used to it. My buttons are in different places (home/deleted/page up/etc.)

...sleeping far too much. I doze off all the time. I don't know why either. dozed off while my friend Rand was playing animal crossing this afternoon and again this evening while we were watching an episode of Highlander on dvd

....trying in vain to come up with a new style for the journal here. I'm SO SICK of this one, and I've come up with at least a dozen good ideas, but I just can't seem to get it to look right, or I'm being too lazy to really dig into the coding to make it work right, or a combination therein. I've been SO lazy about it and it's only getting worse.

...utterly unmotivated to do anything

.... utterly flat broke. we had to pay the rent late because we were short and now we're really fucked because it was a $102 late fee for paying it five days past due and in addition, my Love's fucking company shorted his check by over $100 and they won't give it to him until his NEXT check two weeks from Friday. so now we have $0 until the 24th and fuck if I know what we're going to do about it

...tired. worn-out. not wanting to do anything. not even wanting to sit in front of the pc any longer. I'm going to go away now. the pc's hurting my eyes.

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