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Sunday, January 19, 2003

By the way.... FUCK it's COLD out!! It's like 45 degrees right now. Today is day two of the three days of freeze warnings. Jeez. These are the coldest days of the season so far. I realize that 45 may not seem cold to a lot of people out there, but you have to grasp the fact that it was like 77 degrees on Christmas day and you could wear shorts! It just doesn't get that cold here that often. So...after almost seventeen years in Florida, I am so not used to being in 45F temperatures and I'm a popsicle!

Eh. Can't figure out what to do with the background. I don't want the fire (don't know if anyone besides sang saw it because it's too much), don't want it white (too bright), don't want it black (too dark and the table doesn't stand out enough) and I can't figure out what other color to make it. It's a dark grey at the moment, but...eh. I'm not happy with it. It's that one last thing I'm just not "getting" to call the design done ya know? Sheesh, spent far too damned long on a "temporary, holder" layout this evening! *lol* We had a "gaming" night over here tonight - a house full of people playing video games and card games and such - but, mostly, nothing I play, so I hung out in the bedroom here, working on it. (and actually not surfing at all...impressive!)

Thoughts or comments or suggestions welcomed. :) Night for now, I'm gonna surf a bit and call it good.

edit: I'm so stupidly thrilled with the very simple css I used for my link hover - the use of an image (esp. a gradiant) - just looks so freakin' awesome. Yes folks, I DO amuse easily!

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