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Monday, December 23, 2002

Went out yesterday and got myself a very nice pillar candle and lit it and let it burn the night through for Solstice. It was nice. Very symbolic to the darkest night of the year and the candle helping keep the promise of light's return. :)

Hung out with my mom today a bit. She wasn't feeling too well - she has good days and bad days - and she was trying to sell some of her jewerly to a dealer about 30 minutes south of me but he didn't want any of it. My sister needs about $3,000 in dental work (cavities, cracked tooth, root canals, crowns, etc.) because she's let it go and go and go and now it NEEDS to be done and she doesn't have health insurance. It was a shame that we drove all the way there on a day my mom was feverish and in pain and it was for nothing.

My Love came in tonight, shooing me away while he smuggled in some of my xmas gifts (yup, he's just getting to buying things now!). I got one of his wrapped while he was gone (I got him his several weeks ago). He's going to be making my mom a computer for xmas and getting the case tomorrow - he did the same for his parents the year before - so we have a bit of a tradition to doing things the very last minute. :)

Nothing much going on, just thought I'd post since I hadn't really in a couple days. Hope everyone has a Happy. :)

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