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Friday, December 06, 2002

Pc's been driving me bonkers. Defragged the hard drive yesterday thinking it would take like an hour and three hours later, ugh.....

Jef got a new car - and I've got pics to put up!

Hung out with my mom today and got the final bead touches for a few gifts I've been needing to make.

Didn't sleep last night more then 3 or 4 hours. Went to bed at like 6:30am and started to doze just as my Love's alarm for work went off at 7am. Woke up for no reason at 11am. Grr. WAY overtired right now.

Posting on my Love's pc since he's asleep and I'm joining him soon. Just realized I haven't said anything in a bit.

Hanging out tomorrow with Rand (he's got the day off) and we're going to do some Xmas shopping - like for my Love. *giggles*

That's about it in short. Me = tired. Better post with pics tomorrow. G'night. :)

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