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Monday, December 02, 2002

Oh yeah, my mom, grandmother and sister all got back to Florida safely. Which is a very good thing. My sister got back in yesterday and my mom and grandmother this evening. Both had some scares with security - my sister's plane got evacuated and held up for over an hour - but nothing that kept them from coming home. They're all glad to be home and from what my mom says, they're all doing alright. (as well as can be expected). I'm glad they're back. I'll be getting together with my mom probably sometime this week to see her and give her a hug and such.

My sister said she got a braclet of my aunt's which had charms on it from all the places she had been - her son works for an airline, so that's a LOT of places - and she was very happy to have that piece of her to keep. She was very glad she went.

Now that's it. :)

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