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Sunday, December 29, 2002

My Love and I are so thrilling. We were both hungry last night like 1am and were discussing running out to the Super Wal-Mart (the damned 24-hour Eckards just down the road isn't 24 hours anymore) to get some food. Instead, we ended up falling asleep on the bed with the lights on and the tv on in the living room and everything at like 1:30am. We woke up sometime after 3am, turned everything off and went back to sleep.

Woo-hoo, look at us party animals go. *lol* One heck of a Saturday night, hu? ;)

So I ended up getting up like 11am or something (early for me; I normally go to bed like 4am and get up like 1pm) but now I'm cold and I want to go snuggle back up under the covers. Hrm. Sucks because we have to run up to my mom's and hook her pc up for her. (We built her one for xmas since hers was a 386 with 400 meg harddrive.) The new one's nothing uber, but hell, it's better then before, and pretty much what mine was before I got my gig processor (and if I could do all the sites and graphics and photo stuff on that one all that time, she can certainly use it to learn how to use email!)

Damned call of the bed.... it's all warm under there and stuff. Bah.

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