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Tuesday, December 31, 2002

I was driving over here to my friend Rand's home to check up on things for them while they're gone in Holland for the holidays and I realized as I was driving just how disconnected from the act of driving I was. It was weird. I felt as normal as usual with the motions of driving - the natural ease that comes with years and miles behind the wheel - but at the same moment, I felt like I was watching a moving picture and not the real surroundings outside my window. I think this is what happens when you start spending all your days inside, in front of screens rather then out and actually, physically interacting with the world.

The kitties (all three of them) here are so lonely and bored and I feel for them but I need to get going and get back home to meet up with my Love and my friend Jef for whom I am spending the celebration of the New Year tonight. Just an observation and maybe a bit of advice on this day; get out and be part of the world. Don't forget that there's more then just inside the brightly lit boxes in your living rooms and offices. Life is not a spectator sport - get out and enjoy it instead of watching it pass you by.

Happy New Year (almost, it's 11pm in Holland right now) to my good friend Rand and all his family there, and Happy New Year throughout the hours to those who, like me, wait and watch for it's approach.

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