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Tuesday, December 03, 2002


So, I'm watching tv and on comes a commerical for the WB show, Smallville. You know, this is the superman-as-a-teen show? Anyway, I don't watch it or anything, but the commerical gets me thinking. Apparently, this is an episode where Clark has a problem with some temptress and he can't control himself. They play it up like his desires are as strong as he is.

Which makes me realize that Superman should be the least-likely-to-get-laid guy on the planet. Why? Because who wants to sleep with a man that's got bullproof boner? I'm thinking that it should come with warning labels, "Proceed at your own risk" because, ooow that would be painfully dangerous! Forget putting an eye out with that thing, the man could jackhammer the pavement! *eep!* Guys, there really is a thing as too much! Now I'm suddenly worried for the temptress! *lol*

**by the way, I have no idea when this will go live - apparently though I'm writing it at 3:10am, the publishing server is down - so if it suddenly shows up with several others much, much later in the day, that's why. :)

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