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Wednesday, December 18, 2002


wasted $10 today. Was supposed to be with all my friends and stuff right now watching lame-ass Two Towers but the line was insane (we got there at 5:30 for a fucking 7pm showing and it was already backed up, PLUS there was a flock of uber losers who were dressed in renn fair ware including velvet cloaks and shit {people, it's a fucking movie, get a god-damned life!}) and by the time we got in there, we had horrid seats. I had to crane my neck way up just to see the screen - I kept seeing it over my glasses. There was no way with these perpetual headaches that I was going to be able to sit for three hours with my head tilted way up like that so I left 15 minutes before it started. Good I wasted my whole day with crap like that and good that I wasted $10 too. I got in a fight with my Love on the way out - I just knew I'd hear it from the like seven other people we were with that I left (because no one can ever fucking mention LOTR with out making fun of me for not liking it) - but he said he'd make sure people didn't give me a hard time. A year of LOTR mockery was more then enough so I hope he does talk to them - I'm so sick of listening to crap about it. It's not the end of the world, I just don't give a shit about the books or the movie. I just don't like Tolkien, get on with your lives already.

I feel kinda guilty though since it means so much to my Love and I didn't watch it with him. There was just no way I could sit way off to the side, way down low like that and not kill my neck and head even more. Ugh. So I'm glad I'm not there because there's still over an hour left of the movie (more like 1 1/2 hours still left) and my head hurts enough as it is sitting on the pc.

I'm just in such a bad mood lately. My head is never getting better and I'm in the "on" cycle of getting migraines. Makes everything that much more annoying - when you're just miserable, you can't and don't deal with shit well. Doesn't help my migraines have been getting worse each year over the 10 years I've been getting them, nor that I have no medication to take when it gets bad, nor that Time Magazine reported that studies have shown that each consecutive migraine a person just "deals with" (ie: not stopping with medications) gets worse and worse, nor that I haven't seen a doctor for them in like 3 years because I've not had medical insurance and there's nothing cheap about tracking down headaches and stuff (they'd want to do MIR's and shit which are uber expensive and probably still inconclusive). Grr. It's just a lose-lose situation.

Anyway, I'm glad to be home. Glad I'm not watching the lame-ass movie. Instead, I think I'll pop in a Back to the Future and veg on the couch a bit.

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