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Sunday, November 03, 2002

Yeah. Still no real update. Not feeling so good. First time on really in a couple days, and only to check my mail and such. My shoulder's killing me; running up my neck and just generally making me miserable. It's the right shoulder - the one which I went for x-rays right before I lost my insurance and never got the results for. It makes horrid bone-grinding-on-bone noises whenever it moves and violently (and loudly) pops into and out of place whenever I rotate it. The doctor was quite concerned just over the noises it made (he wanted me to see an orthopedic specialist after the x-rays but that didn't happen either). Of course, that was back in April so *shrugs* it's probably worse now since it's certainly not better. All day today it's been just aching and it sucks. He had given me a prescription for it - something called Vioxx which has to do with joint/arthritic type pain relief - and though it never worked in the past, I pulled it out anyway and tried again. Still nothing. Sucks.

Halloween was ok; not as exciting as I was hoping. Got off to a rough start; my Love's makeup/costume (a nosferatu complete with bald cap and ears and everything) didn't work out at all. Of course, we spent hours trying to get it to work to no avail. The whole thing was REALLY frustrating, and a huge waste of time. I got sick to my stomach - again, it seems I've been sick to my stomach pretty much everyday for a couple weeks now (I ran through all the pepto in the house last week - been eating it like candy) - so we didn't even get over to my friend's house until 9:30pm or so. We left at about midnight and didn't really do anything but sit around. Kinda a let-down. :(

Anyway, typing is not helping and I've been on longer then I wanted to be anyway, so I'm closing out here. g'night

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