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Wednesday, November 13, 2002

There is something very sick and wrong about having the cable modem sitting right there, hooked up, and supposed to be working perfectly well and instead, having to click the "Connect to the Internet" dial-up icon. Grr.

Had a migraine from hell last night. Finally got to bed at like 2am and fell asleep maybe an hour later. My head hurt so bad, every little noise was pain and every motion of the bed was an earthquake. Ugh. Slept until about noon, so that's good anyway. I slept pretty deep once I feel asleep so my head's not hurting now. Although, anytime I get a migraine and I wake up and it's gone, that whole next day, I'm paranoid it's coming back.

That's about it for now. Just got up and so, thought I'd pop off a note. ttfn - I'm off to go watch some cable since I can't surf. :)

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