wishlist and mailing address

Friday, November 29, 2002

So.....there's this site called Meetup.com and they have sub groups of different types of people. One of them is witches.meetup.com They schedule once-a-month meetings of people with similar interests (in this case, witches/pagans/etc.) to get together in a public place and meet

Last week was the local one for my area. I didn't go - I never do, too shy - and apparently they got kicked out of Krispy Kreme donuts They were discriminated against after having it there 3 previous months for "disturbing the customers" Even though they had previous permission to be there and had done it three months in a row previous, they were still asked to leae.

Someone commenting on it signs off with the statement: bad witch, no donut. (that part's funny, the rest is pretty sad) It's pretty lame and in 2002, a group of nice, normal adults can't get together for a meeting without being kicked out of an establishment just because of their religious beliefs.

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