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Friday, November 15, 2002

So it was 5am and I had been listening to this group of about 6-8 teenaged kids out in the parking lot, yelling and generally horsing around and being loud for the past hour, over the television and through the closed doors and windows one building over and upstairs. I was sick of it. So I called the county sherif's department and spoke with a very pleasant woman in dispatch who said they'd gladly send someone over to break it up.

I hang up, open my patio door and with the lights off and such, proceed to stand out there and watch for the cop to arrive. I was not disappointed. Not three minutes later, a cop car pulls up with it's headlights off - presumably so they don't run away - and comes to a stop right in front of the overly loud group. He asks them if any of them live here - only one does apparently - and tells the rest it's time to move it along and head on home. I don't know all of what he said since he was speaking at a normal level of voice and not yelling like they were, but within minutes, they got into their cars and left. Yeah! Thank you sherrif's department. Today, you rule. :)

You have to understand, this is not the first time these kids are causing trouble. We have a cop next door to us and he went out a few weeks ago and yelled at them to shut up (it was about 3am). They started to give lip and asked him who he thought he was to which of course, he replied, "I'm a police officer." They complied. ;) They are always out there, yelling at the top of their lungs, rapping, drinking, and generally being utterly annoying. I was just so pleased the cops came out as quickly as they did.

So that's my story. I went to bed after that and man, it was nice and quiet in the neighborhood then.

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