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Thursday, October 17, 2002

*winces at the bright white screen*

Well I was going to actually write up an entry, but my head is really starting to hurt and my eyes are killing me for no real reason suddenly (I'm actually typing this iwth my eyes closed - and advantage to being a good typist), so I'm just sorta checking in.

My mom and sister are heading over tomorrow which is nice enough in theory, but the place is still a mess from getting my stuff out of storage. I haven't had the $ to go get some storage containers and the boxes are all nasty, broken and overstuffed. Blah. My mom's really crazy about clean so I know her coming over and seeing the place a mess makes her cringe, not to mention the "judging" my sister will do. She's worse then my mom at times! lol

Eh. I'm just grumpy because Aunt Flo's in town and my head's hurting and this is the first chance I've had online all day and I can't enjoy it 'cause my eyes are trying to claw their way out of my skull. Blarg. Time for me to go. Damned head.

Oh yeah, Jef and I went around today again looking for a coat with tails type of jacket for my costume, but no such luck. So no this costume and no luck so far on my second attempt to assemble one...arg. Getting bitter. Why can't I have a costume I like for my single most favorite holiday of the year just once dammit?!


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