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Thursday, October 17, 2002

Mkay...update time.

Tuesday 15th: Had an interview. Was for an executive assistant. Pay was well within my required range (gods, finally, something decent in pay) and the location was nice (only about 10 minute drive away) but they're technophobes. They don't have email; in fact, they only have one computer in all of the company which has access to the net. They have one "computer guy" and everything has to go through him first. She told me they aren't allowed to have screensavers or change settings or anything and that the owner of the company is fearful of computers and doesn't know how to use them. She also wanted to ensure I wasn't really interested in computers or IT issues since I most certainly wouldn't have anything to do with that since they have the aforementioned "computer guy." Riiiight. *cough weirdos cough* She said they'd call me this week to schedule a follow up interview with the owner, but so far....na da. They made me do a Word and Excel skills test *yawns* and they were all but drooling over themselves that I - wow, go figure here - actually do in fact know how to use both programs (who'd have guessed?). Soooo...eh. Looking like it was a dud since I've not heard anything back. Seemed to have gone well enough at the time - afterall, she did flat out say she would be calling me for a second interview - but... since it's not happened, I guess that's that.

Wednesday 16th: As I mentioned, Jef and I ran around a bit to look for a coat-and-tails sorta jacket for my Halloween costume (with Z E R O luck) but Orbie gave me an idea to check out schools. (someone else suggested I might try a bridal consignment shop) so I'll have to look into those ideas.

Today, Thursday 17th: My mom and sister came over. They were supposed to be here like 1:30pm, so I set my alarm, got up, showered, and was ready for them at 1:30pm. I figured they'd run a bit late and be here like 2pm, but I wanted to be done on time just in case. Of course, I was up until 4am cleaning the apartment to make sure it looked good when they came over which meant getting up early would sacrifice sleep on my part.

They showed up about 3pm. *sighs* Nothing like sitting around, wondering what the heck is up and no one calling you or anything. Blarg. But my sister wants me to make her a necklace and my mom wants to get together next week and head on over to the craft store to buy some beads as she wants me to make her an anklet. She's all excited over it. I'm quasi nervous since these will be the first things I've made on specific order for someone and only the second things I've made that went to someone. It's just weird. *lol* But, they'll both give me a few bucks for the time and materials so hey, that's cool.

Let's see...what else? I had a recruiter call me today for another job he wants to meet me about. An Admin Asst for a new financial company which will grow in the next year to be an office manager with people under me. Pay's good, but location is kinda far (like 45 minutes far) but...I'm meeting with him anyway on Monday because dammit, I need to get something.

I've been playing tag with the Unemployment office in Tallahassee the last two days - they called me and I had to call them back ("within 48 hours") long distance at my expense nonetheless, for what turned out to be crap. I had to explain to them about why I earned a whopping $72 from the part time job and now I have to wait "10 business days" for a letter and determination whether or not I qualify to continue my benefits. What bullshit. AND, I also have been "given" an appointment time (no calling and asking if I can make it, or scheduling it with me or anything) for next Thursday at 9am to "evalutate my claim" for continuation of payment. I won't receive any further checks until after I have this meeting (where I have to present paperwork on my job search and prove I've been trying to find a job) HELLO?! Fucking morons? I filed in APRIL, got my first check in AUGUST and haven't gotten anything since and you need to evaluate me to ensure I am deserving of continued payments?? How about ANY payments? How about MORE THEN ONE? How about fucking bullshit policy which has made me jump when they tell me to for a pathetic $167/week that I'm not even getting?!

ARG. I mean, it's not like it's important or anything, right? Afterall, it's only money...only my sole source of helping to keep a roof over my head and my power on and such. No, obviously it's not like they should be in a hurry or work, oh I don't know, let's go on a limb here, quickly or anything, right? I mean, it's ok to make someone wait five months for ANY money and then string them along another almost two months and tell them they may or may not get more. Fucking bullshit system.

Sorry. Just so damned frustrated. Like it's my fault the economy sucks and I can't find a half-decent job. I paid into the system like everyone else, earned an amount which I can legally claim to try to help me out a bit, and I have to work my ass off to see pennies of it, and deal each day with the threat of them withholding the rest if they don't like my answers, or they tell me the wrong information and I don't call in on the right day (and gods forbid you should have your phone turned off because you couldn't pay the bill, but oh well, that's not a "valid" excuse) or I don't get them paperwork (mailed at my expense of course, because we all know you have tons of money for stamps when you have no income), or whatever crap of the day it is. It's so stupid these people have such power over me and my life and can't just give me a shred of dignacy and let me get some help for the first time ever in my life. Because gods forbid the government actually tried to help someone who wasn't filthy, stinking rich. *fumes*

I'm going to close I guess since I'm just mad and will vent for another few paragraphs if I don't make myself stop. I just wish, for once, some of those rich ass fucks in office could live in MY shoes and see just how wrong the system is so maybe they'd actually DO something about it.

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