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Monday, September 30, 2002


I did not sleep last night. Blah. One of those nights where you lay there, awake enough to know you're not doing what you want to be doing (sleeping!) but not really awake enough to do anything productive either. That really, really frustrating quasi-awakness that's utterly unrestful and a painfully slow way to pass the night. (especially when you need to be up early the next day as seems always the case) I managed to sleep about an hour and a half total. Sucked. Laying there, suddenly realizing I'm awake. ARG.

The early waking today was because I needed to get my items out of storage. I paid off the storage unit (that had be running me about $150/month since April 2001) and had to get out by Sept. 30th. Well screw them, my mom rented me a U-haul and it's out and in my living room now. Of course, I now face the joy-joy task of going through it all and figuring out what the hell to do with it so I can get my living room back as quickly as possible. Not to mention figure out what to do with my couch since the plans to put it in the second bedroom (our "gaming room") is so not going to work because it's too damned big to get in there. (it's a tiny hallway further encombered by a sharp and narrow 90 degree turn) There's just no way. Hell, we barely got it in the door. (thanks for your help as always with the manly moving stuff Rand!) So....now we have two couches (that don't exactly match each other - one being a burnished yellowish color {hard to describe that it doesn't sound ugly, which it's not} and the other a dark tan with colored stiching cloth one) and a living room designed for, well, one.

Ever sit and swear you hear music like from another room even though you know the minute you get up to go look for it there of course won't be any? Hate that. It's distracting me at the moment actually though I know the tv is off in the living room. Oh well.

Anyway, so fun week. Get more unpacking to look forward to. Though I'm very happy to finally have my stuff back. Weeee! Stuff. (and it's MINE to boot!) Erm. Ok, that's about it, I'm beat and babbling. *snarf* Like there's a new thing for me! lol

**reminder to everyone, I can get my email IN, but damned verizon is blocking my smpt OUT so I can't reply to any emails. Blarg.***


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