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Monday, September 09, 2002

ARG. I am fucking sick....again!

Last Wednesday and Thursday I was sick with a stomch flu (puking and stuff) and missed work. Friday I made it in. Saturday I was fine, but yesterday, I started to get really achey, chills/feverish, and nose started driving me insane. I ended up crashing at like 10pm full on my way to a monster of a cold. So I either didn't set my alarm or didn't hear it (I honestly don't remember) but the next thing I know my Love's waking me up and it's like 8:10am. He's running out the door, late for work himself.

Fuck. So. Yeah, now I have a cold. And am missing work again. Can you say, That's All Folks? My guess is that being sick last week left me weakened to get my Love's cold, but shit...this is just stupid. You just can't explain something like this to a boss. Not like they'd believe you even if you are sick, it's just crazy. Plus it makes you look like the single unhealthiest person on the planet - which is so not the case.

I'm going back to bed. I feel like crap. And this sucks.

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