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Thursday, August 15, 2002

So I went to sleep last night late (couldn't sleep, head hurt) with a cold compress for my neck. Must have been about 3:30am when I finally was able to sleep. I had all these weird ass dreams. In one of them, two of my upper right-hand side molar teeth broke. (well, one of them crumbled in my mouth and the one next to it fell out and was dangling by a thread. It was bleeding everywhere and I was trying to get to the ER.) Think I might be a bit worried about the split tooth I have? I know teeth are commonly thought of in dreams as relating to apperance, but I'm not having apperance issues while I AM having worries over the health of my tooth. I woke up at 1pm very suddenly, right out of another dream where I was chasing some sorta creature that looked like a squirrle but wasn't 'cause it was like yellow with spots or something. I think it was an alien. I don't know. The point is, I slept like 9 1/2 hours and woke up so horribly groggy I couldn't walk. I literally stumbled to the couch and fell down onto it. My body was trying to drag me back into sleep though it was the last thing I wanted and I had to literally fight to stay awake. It was so weird. Everytime I wake up lately, it's like a real fight to actually remain awake. My body keeps sucking me back down into a dark pit of sleep whether I want to go or not. Normally, I'd wake up and maybe I'd decide I wanted to lay around another thirty minutes or so, but this is like I don't have a choice. I'm only barely awake and I can't hold on to it.

What sucks is that all day I've been groggy and my head's been all fuzzy. Sitting on the couch this evening, I felt like I was losing the fight with sleep again...like I was drifting off. This sucks. It's making my head feel all wrong and I think adding to my headaches. Not to mention, all that sleeping made me sleep weird and my neck's really killing me which also leads to migraines. It's all just....weird.

I guess I just don't feel like myself the last week or so that this sleep problem's been going on. It seems to be getting more and more pronounced too. Like even when I'm awake, my body wants me to go to sleep. Like right now I could lay down and I'd sleep. But I don't want to sleep and I slept too many hours last night as it is. I just don't know what to make of any of this.

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