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Thursday, August 15, 2002

fucking head. it's hurting. migraine again. these things started like 10 years ago when I was 15 and have gotten progressively worse each year. sometimes they last days now...DAYS. they are debilitating. they make it hurt to see. they make me sick to my stomach. they make me want to die.

and i do everything to avoid them. no msg. no nutrasweet, change my bc pill, very little caffine, no processed meats, avoidance of flourecent lights, care in sunlight....tons of tons of things and they still come.

when they occur they drain so much of me all i can do is wallow in pain. nothing helps. no prescriptions i've gotten and the over the counter things stopped working about a year ago (after getting to a point where I'd have to take like 8 excedrin just to take the edge off).

it hurts to see. like literally see. it hurts to think. it just hurts. and nothing makes it better. i can't take these damned things. they hurt so bad.

i just want them to fucking stop.

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