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Thursday, August 08, 2002

First off, I just have to say a thanks...

Seriously, thank you

Second, I have tons of details to go into about the work thing but the short version is I went in there this morning and told the asshole off and quit. I make no apology for the fact that I am worth more then his bigoted, chauvansitic bullshit and I do not deserve to be treated that way. It is not worth a measly $10/hour to be degraded like he did to me. No way, no how. I'll figure some thing else out even if it's making someone hire me at the mall or whatever. There comes a point where you do what you have to do and you stick up for yourself. Today was my day.

Third, I've seen a bunch of people lately who make digital manipulations of photos and such of the people who's sites they visit and I've never gotten such a thing, so I'm putting a call out for it here. Take any pic of mine you want (and there's dozens) and edit it. Be creative, be different, and send it to me. I'll post them and make a gallery for Fan Art like that. (additionally, if you don't do manipulations, but want to draw something or whatever, that's more then welcome too!) I think it'd be cool to see some creative talent out there! :) you can send all items (please make sure it's not a HUGE file - please compress the file size - to webmaster(at)giveneyestosee.com
note: I still retain all exclusive rights to the photographs and reserve exclusive rights not limited to publishing, display, selling or otherwise use them in any way. No ownership is given to those using my copywrited photography. All submitted images become the sole property of drinkdeeplyanddream.com and it's owners. But submitting an image, the original creator understands and accepts these terms. Additionally, anyone using my images understand that there is no pornography permited and that any images made to be vulgar or pornographic in nature shall be subject to punishment in a court of law up to and including legal suit. please see the extended legal terms of this site. Participation indicates acceptance of all terms and conditions.

Fourth, I've completed the template for the journal for it's move to giveneyestosee.com but I might have to wait a couple days to upload it since my s-l-o-w 26.4 connection would make transfering the several megs of files off DDD a painful and teadious project. I may wait and try to get to Rand's to use his cable modem in the next couple days since what would be ten minutes on his connection could be ten hours on mine. Not including disconnects and such, it's just too much for this connection to handle. (poop!) But, for those who want a sneak peek, you can see what it will look like here

That's it for now. More tomorrow. I just don't feel much like writing at the moment. Just wanted to kinda make some blurbs before I forgot. Oh yeah, tomorrow is my mother's Birthday. I'd wish her a happy birthday but (thankfully!) she doesn't read my journal nor does she ever use her pc (let alone internet connection). But it does mean I need to get her a card and figure out something for a gift and er, we're going to a late lunch tomorrow. *thinks and realizes she doesn't know what to get and panicks* lol Anyway, that's it for now.

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