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Sunday, August 11, 2002

AUGUST 10, 2002

*sings* ....happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear christopher, happy birthday to you!

Here's to you, my wonderfully disturbed (and wouldn't have ya any other way), script monkey, philosophical discussions of the boundries of life, death, reality and creation at 2am, best damn time hanging out for six hours just talking and laughing and joking, survived my driving in illegal, uninsured car over many miles distance, crashing on my couch, Goth Hello Kitty shirt buying, weeeeeeeeeeee sayer and answerer (G&S *wink*), co-partner in Densa, liberated hater of corporate america pub lover, my friend and cohert in crime (ok, not really, but we can pretend right?) Happy birthday with warmest wishes for all the best this year and each to follow. May the road rise to meet your feet; may the wind be always at your back; and may the path be lined with Irish pubs that sell Guinness on tap.

This ones for you. *smiles*

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