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Saturday, July 27, 2002

(trying this again since last night blogger was so slow it timed out trying to post my entry)

Ok, so in the too-weird-to-be-true file....a conversation from my message board:

him Hey M? Were you in Ft. Myers the other day? I was talking with soldier, and he saidhe ran into you at the mall. Was wondering when you were gonna stop by again....

me Ft Myers? Nope, never been there. (and most certainly not the other day! lol) I do have a doppleganger that everyone but me has seen. She used to be in my area but no one's seen her in awhile. Maybe that's where she went. ;)
Sorry, not me. Did this person actually claim to BE me? Jeez, I hope not.

him According to him, yeah she did. But oh well

me You're kidding me! She actually CLAIMED to be me? Jeez, what is this world coming to?! That's just freaky. If I were to have met members of my forum I'd post it on my journal or something. If it's not there, it didn't happen. What the heck was her name so I can track her down and yell at her for impersonating me?!

Anyway, that's just too freakin' creepy.

Isn't that the weirdest thing? I'm sorta freaked out now and also sorta flattered and also really actually PISSED. Hey you! Yes you, you not me pretender in Ft. Myers, Florida! Why are you claming to be me? If you were me, you'd be writing here but since you're not, you're NOT ME. So, stop saying you are! Grr.

I'm just wondering how much this other person looks like me that she's convincing people she is me. Anyone with info on the spotting of me that's not me in Ft Myers, let me know!

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