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Saturday, July 27, 2002

Ok, I have found a new obsession....beads. Oh yeah, I went to the craft store today and ended up buying some beads and I've made two braclets and dammit! I want to do more. It was so much fun!! Waaaa...why do I have to be broke? I'd go buy more stuff and then I could sell some to make a little extra money on the side. Already, I have a ton of ideas and no money and no way to get more stuff (I quickly discovered several other things I need to do stuff but didn't know this until I started doing it. Arg! I wanna wanna wanna do more but I don't have the money to start!

Here's what I got today from the craft store:

And here's what I was working on as my first ever bead jewlery project:

So then I'm nosing about ebay hoping I'll find people selling off beads in lots maybe, like cheap. But no, all the lots are expensive. (like $10 and up) blah. So nothing there. But I did find a necklace with the most beautiful pendant on it and I'm REALLY crying now because it's $40 and I don't have that but oh I want it so much... *cries* Damn being desitute, damn it! (Click the image to go to the auction)

Nothing like poverty to whoop your ass and remind you all the things you can't have and can't ever hope to have. Blah. I'd like to get some beads and supplies to make jewlery but I can't because I'm too broke to buy stuff and I'd like to get a necklace I really love but I can't because...drum roll please...I'm too fucking broke. Fucking sucks.

Anyway, anyone with thoughts on how I can get going on making some jewlery items, people having jewerly findings or beads they don't want or people who really love me and want to buy me the necklace (yeah right) or more realistically might know where I can buy it as just a pendant and I could make my own necklace out of it, please contact me. Thanks.

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