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Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Let's see...today - er, it's after midnight, so I suppose technically yesterday, but dammit, I've not gone to bed yet so it's still today for me (so there) - Joolo came over and I helped make some changes to his site. After that, we went to the mall and got some food. Then we wandered around a bit (him buying a psycho anime called "I wanna be an angel" or something) and ended up checking out that cool store Inti again (where I got my so cute Goth Hello Kitty shirt). Joolo was so funny 'cause he got all flustered by a pretty girl with some wicked cool red hair. (I teased him later that his face blushed the color of her hair). I think she was the same person there the last time we went to that store but I wasn't sure. I was gonna snag a picture of her for the site if it was but I didn't want to make her think I was crazy if she wasn't. (having to open any conversation with the words "er...I'm not some psycho but...." just not my sorta thing *lol*) What was so annoying though was the other lady there - maybe the manager type lady? - was so aggravating! She kept hovering around Joolo and I like we were gonna steal something. Please lady, the only thing I'm gonna steal is some blood from you when I punch you in the nose for being a hovery bitch. (grr) Joolo didn't get to say one word to the redhead - not like he'd tell her he thought she was cute or anything anyways (sheesh, so shy!) - and all I got to do was comment on a couple cow and pig keychains that poop when you squeeze them. (yeah, lovely sounding conversation, eh? *lol*) Anyway, Joolo's probably either turning bright red again in embarassment that I'm blathering about this here (tee hee, be forewarned! EVERYTHING goes in my journal at one point or another!) or he's going to promptly kill me tomorrow when he sees me again. Either way, I can only hope that I figure out if it was a) the same girl and b) whether she thought Joolo was cute back. *giggles* Hey, he spent enough time saying how pretty she was and dammit, the boy needs to interact with more pretty ladies.

Hrm....I believe I got on a tangent there. (who me?) As you can tell, I'm still here. Not so much doing better as just trying to believe it will all be ok. Chris' company is supposed to overnight the check (for the work I did for them a couple weeks ago) to me tomorrow for a Wednesday AM delivery (my rent is due Wednesday or else eviction) so I can go and pay them every single penny I have until my Love gets paid again on July 25th. *sigh* We are going to be so fucking broke I don't know what we're going to do for pesky things like food and stuff.

The good news is that I have an interview on Wednesday at 2pm with a recruiter who's got an opening that would pay big bugs (but would be a looong commute). The big bucks part though (like $10k MORE a year then I was making at my last job kinda big bucks) makes me more then willing to handle the commute. Considering I picked up an application for part time help at the Disney Store for crying out loud means I'm not being picky at this point, ya know? Felt good to get someone to call me anyway. Nice to know my resume isn't falling on ALL deaf ears... (which it feels like far too damned often).

Um, *blinks* I got the cutest little plant on Sunday for $1.98 (yes I splurged) that I named Heidi. She's a little Ivy and is sitting on my desk looking simply adorable. We were at Home Depot and looking at plants and I see her down on the ground, way away from the rest, hidden almost completely under the display. I felt so sad that she was like lost under there that I told her I'd take her home. And I did. She's on my desk now and I have a pic to upload which I guess I'll just do tomorrow since it's late and my Love needs to get some sleep.

Thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts. I'm trying to hang in there, but it's hard and I'm just so....empty lately. Oh well. No thinking about that now, I'm going to close the entry here. More tomorrow. Be well all.

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