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Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Job Interviews, Faxes, Productivity, Oh my!
I actually got some stuff done today which is like a miracle. First I checked my email this morning to discover that not one, but two people had emailed me in regards to resumes I sent out a few weeks ago. Problem was that up until three weeks ago, everything that went out had my Love's cell phone number on it - the one that we gave up on after getting charged up the ass and getting disconnected all the time. Both were trying to reach me and both requested that I return their calls.
I looked up both companies based on the domain names that the emails were from and found one is about 30 minutes away and the other was really far away (according to their address on the web) in the vicinity of no-way-in-hell distance of like almost a two hour commute.

I called the closer one first and spoke briefly with the woman and set an appointment time for tomorrow at noon. Excited, I called my Love at work to tell him I was going to need to take him into work so I could have the car during the day to make the noon appointment. I debated for a few moments on whether or not I should bother to call back the other one since it was really so very far away and in the end, decided that worst that would happen is I would decline to meet with them.

I reach the other person who called me, a man this time, and spoke with him at great length for the better part of half an hour. He told me about the company and the position in good detail and then asked me for information on my past, my experience and details on my previous positions. I gave him all the information and he seemed very pleased. He then asked me if I could come in for a face-to-face meeting. At this point, I still did not know where they were located and I was SO hoping that this wasn't all in vain but I told him I was open all day Thursday. We set a time for 10am Thursday and he proceeds to ask me if I know where a certain street is. I almost screamed; it's right near where my friend Rand lives - about 20 minutes away. Weeee!

So, after that, I got in touch with Rand and he came and got me and dropped me off at his house to use his mom's fax machine to fax out resumes from this past Sunday's classifieds. Unfortunately, his cable modem was out, leaving me almost two hours (after I finished my faxes) with nothing to do (no broadband *sighs*). The other good thing though is that his mom needs me to set up her client database and input the information for her and will pay me a lot to do it, so at the very least, I'll have that as some extra money coming in.

DSL Update
The bad news of the day is actually from last night. I followed up with my phone company because I had ordered my DSL service on July 9th and had yet to even receive anything in the mail (they told me to expect a letter first, then the equipment after). Turns out the order was rejected but there was no notation why. When they tried to put the order in again, the number came up that it was unable to support the DSL connection. ACK NOOO! She gave me another number to dial to contact their DSL department technical support direct to see if there's anything that can be done to improve the lines or to get the service available here but I tried calling them yesterday and today - both times sitting on hold for 15 minutes - and getting nowhere in reaching someone. So the really bad news is that it looks like I WON'T be getting back to broadband anytime soon and I don't know how long I can continue to use Rand's dial-up account so I might be disappearing again. (can you say, fuck!!?) I still owe Time Warner about $250 so there's just no way I can get my cable modem back on and I don't have any other options at this point. This really sucks. I was all hopeful that something was going right and now it looks like it's not going at all.

*sighs* So anyway, that's about it. I still have to pick out what I'm going to wear tomorrow (always a grueling experience) and get to bed soon so I get enough sleep to wake up at 7am to take my Love into work. (blah) Wish me luck everyone, I've got this one and another on Thursday and dammit, I need one of them to offer me a job!

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