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Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Ever have one of those days where you have stuff to write about but you just don't feel like getting into? Yeah, this is one of those days for me. In short though: Power was off when I got home from my interview - as in, they came and turned it off the little fuckers - and there was much scrambling, cursing, and fighting to borrow the funds to turn it back on (which thankfully they did about 5:20pm today). There was also a birthday dinner/party thing to go to and none of us were feeling up to it, but we of course went, ate some nappy-ass buffet food (for which I now feel sick) and then headed (thankfully) home. I have another interview at 10am tomorrow to go to and it's another early morning for me (though I didn't end up getting to bed at any decent hour last night and therefore got little to no sleep and felt like shit all day and though I'm exhausted, it's that kind of worn out that doesn't, unfortunately, come hand-in-hand with ease of falling alseep. Blah.

So, that's the brief of it. I think I'm going to go get sick now so this entry's a wrap.

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