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Thursday, July 25, 2002

Another brief entry for the moment....

Had another interview today. I thought it went really well; I was there for almost two hours and met with three people (the guy I'd be reporting to, the President of the company, and another manager who works in connection with a corporate customer). I was really much more interested in this position today then I was the one from yesterday, though the one from yesterday didn't have anything really wrong about it, just something about this one I liked better. *shrugs* They seem to need someone who can do a lot of different things and fill in a lot of different gaps and that's definately my specialty. lol I am the original Jack of All Trades. They called me back a few hours ago to send them my references and some information on my educational background, so just did that and I figurered I'd make a post while I was connected. They have a meeting to go to and won't be getting back with me apparently either way until next week - ugh, waiting! - but that's ok, because I really think they liked me and gods hope I'm not just getting all worked up over nothing.

Hrm, well, Joolo's on his way over and I've got to run to the store for a few things (like, well, food and toliet paper - both of which we're out of) and since my Love gets paid tomorrow, I can get away with writing a check today. Good thing too because our fridge could not be any more bare. Not that we have any money to spend - it's all aready spent on bills and such - but, hey, you gotta have food and that's one of the things that I'm just going to get and that's that. Blah. Hate being so poor. Wish I'd hear something on my Unemployment appeal. Stupid slow *grumble* governement *grumble* organizations.

Anyway, I gotta run. If I have time I'll get more here later but it might not be 'til tomorrow. (A day I'm eagerly looking forward to sleeping in since it's been very hectic the last couple days and I've gotten zero sleep from stress over my interviews) Ta for now.

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