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Sunday, May 19, 2002


So we went back out to Target today to take another look at the Foreman Grills. Sure enough, we found the perfect one! For some reason, the location we went to today had a Target Limited Edition version which was $39.99. My $40 giftcard paid for it! Yeah!

It's a good size. We were able to cook some large cuts of steak on there (one at a time) but they cooked in a little under 10 minutes. First try a good success. Looks like a great purchase and my Love and I are looking forward to expanding our dinners with some more options now.

On a side note, I have to say I find it a bit ironic that the Foreman Grill - used to help us mainly have a way to cook red meat - was paid for by a gift card from my sister. My sister is a strict vegitarian. Hense the irony. *laughs*

Not much else going on then that. Just thought I'd share the yummy news.

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