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Thursday, May 23, 2002

trying to publish last night's entry since the ftp was down at the time I wrote this

You've Got to Be Kidding Me
*sighs* Yeah so last night I discover I've been RE-infected with the fucking "Fun Love" virus. No idea how, it just came back. *fuck fuck fuck* So I spend the day - again - cleaning the infected program files and replacing - again - my explorer.exe file. Arg arg arg. I HATE people.

100 Things You Never Needed to Know About M
After reading the random info tidbits on other people's sites and thinking I needed one of my own, I finally wrote it and now it's up and live. It will have a perm link in the side navigation, but you lazy folks reading can just click it here. It is what happens when it's late at night (about 4am) and you've got nothing better to do since your pc is swarming with virii. Blah. (don't worry though, I'm clean again now and it's just a straight old boring html file - no bugs within)

The Ever Chaning Email Status
Yeah so I couldn't get into my ddd email for weeks for no reason out of the blue. Then, just as suddenly and without reason it came back up. Seems it might have gone back down again. *sighs* So, in the event you need to reach me, continue to use the webmaster (at) giveneyestosee.com one. At least one of them is working. Of course, I'm now paranoid about checking my email (*grumble virus grumble*) but eh, it's there. Also, don't forget about the "thoughts" link which leads to the journal's guestbook. :) I obessively check it several times a day. lol (I only wish I were kidding)

Nothing Yet
Still nothing on the job front. AND, while I got a letter telling me I qualifed for unemployment back the first week of May and claimed my two weeks printed on the 13th as instructed, I've received nothing yet in the way of money. I've also not received any further letters nor will the system allow me to claim any additional weeks. ARG. Hello people, it's a whopping $160/week you've approved me for and I can't even get that?? There are SO MANY THINGS that are seriously past due, I'm late getting my car registration, and things are getting turned off and I'm not even getting any money in from fucking unemployment. cries.... Why do things have to be so damned hard?

Headaches and Migraines - Oh my!
My head's killing me so I'm going to close. I had a migraine yesterday and it seems to have invited company. Ugh. Damn bright, white screen is really, really painful to look at. Hate that. Hate migraines. Hate the fact nothing helps anymore - over the counter OR prescription. Hate the fact my neck is so permanently fucked up in the first place that it gives me these damned things. (nothing like your vertebrae growing fused together poorly but not knowing it until its too damned late)

Have a good night all. (and stop sending me virii! grr!)

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