wishlist and mailing address

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Ooh. Exciting day. As I posted the entry below, my friend Rand called me. He took a couple extra days off and wanted to know what I was up to. Honestly, I wasn't even dressed yet - that's about the extent of what I was up to. *lol*

Got dressed, he came over and we went in search of a Sunday paper for the job classifieds. Went to his place and I used the fax to send out some resumes. Just got home and emailed some more out. Slim ass pickings. I had all of like 15 or so in there to send to (most meager ads at that) and about 4 more leads that may or may not pan out to even a submission. *sighs* Still no unemployment update either.

Things are bad. Money is not only tight, it's nonexistant. Things keep coming up that demand money I just don't have. The "check engine" light on the car came on for example. Gods....

Anyway, I'm not going to get into that right now, it's too much, I just don't want to think about it. Just been gone all day and still not back yet. More later when I'm around.

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