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Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Ok and just because it was too much fun NOT to do it...here's my friend Joolo's very own Lego man... hee hee..

Ok, now, a couple things. One, he needs glasses, but eh, the facial hair was great so I had to pick it.

Two, he only wishes his hair where that blue AND that it stick up all cool and spiky (and not all silly and spiky like Steve Martin from My Blue Heaven, although it really only does that when he doesn't style it, so it's not normally that bad. :D)

Three, well the meat is accurate. It's Joolo for cryin' out loud, the boy can eat!

Four, the shirt should be his neon blue one but alas, this one will have to do.

All-in-all, it's a pretty accurate lego man. *hee hee* This is fun.... weeeeeeeeeeee!

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