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Sunday, May 05, 2002

Alrighty, I was asked about how I registered a domain and such with paltry $15 odd bucks. So, I'm going to plug my webhost for a moment. I don't get any credit from them or anything, I just happen to like them and think it's a pretty fair deal.


You go here, and register your domain name (of course, it has to be available) from dotstar for a mere $13/year. Then, drak.net's hosting plans start at a measly $5/mo. (and if you pay in advance, you get a discount on top of that). drinkdeeplyanddream.com is on the $10/month plan right now (or $28.50 in advance for 3 months). That's it. Cheap, hu? For the $10/mo you get 150 megs of storage and 12 gigs of transfer a month. (worried it's not enough? DDD uses about 20 megs of storage and about 2-odd gigs a month thus far - including hosting all of the images for the forum, my journals, my cam archive, etc.) For the $5 I believe it's like 100 megs and 6 gigs of transfer - more then most sites will ever need. Each plan comes with different levels of special things like extra pop email accounts, subdomains, etc. so there's plenty of room for choice in what you need. I also like drak.net because they are Pagan-oriented (occult friendly - although NO adult sites are allowed) as well as woman owned and run. To me, that's pretty cool.

Anyway, it's as simple as that. And, once you have a domin, let me tell you, you'll wonder why you ever put up with free-server crap. :) It's great.

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