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Friday, April 05, 2002

I'm here at work. Things are so fucking tense. Boss is in and out with some guy. oh joy. He's showing him around. so as he's explaining who is what and who does what he dismisses me like this that's m, she does customer service Ouch. Used to be actual handshake, explanation of how I do everything from mis to telecom to website, etc.

I could be athome and not stressed and not trembling from shitty circumstances. fuck I'm so tense and i HATE this part. get it over with or don't but FUCK don't make me sit like this. ::::tense:::: I need a day at the spa. (not that I've ever had one, but I have to imagine that it'd be nice and relaxing)

ARG. This sucks. I am so uncomfortable right now I want to die. Shit shit shit!!! And it's only 2pm. Three more hours of on-edge what's gonna happen. Not like I have anything to do. No one's even tried to give me anything to do nor asked me what I'm working on. All I can think is the strangely preverse joy in if I get fired today then I won't have to work tomorrow.

*whimpers* I need some papering. Unfortunatly, my Love just emailed me to tell me that his Grandfather had to go into the ER this morning and he needs to see him as soon as I get home from work, so this is not good. In a really selfish way, it also means I don't have anyone to be comforted by this evening either. *sighs* Things are so stressful I hate this.

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