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Friday, March 29, 2002

Yes it's sorta a holiday (good friday I think if you're christian) and while many offices are either closed or closing early, mine is not one of those. *sighs* What's the point of all these holiday's if I can't milk a day (or even a half-day!) out of 'em? lol One of these days I'm going to demand Pagan holiday's off. Just think, I could have had a day off last week for the Equinox. Aren't employee's requests for days off based on religious holiday protected? Doesn't your boss have to grant you at least a portion of them? Hrm. Something to look into. Not that I'm ritualistic in my faith, but dammit, I deserve a day off once in awhile too, right?

Just peeking in at my referal stats and I saw one for this: http://pega_rant.blogspot.com/ The blog is called ShadowRunes and is run by Pegasong. It's a really nifty design (with a wicked cool looking succubus). Anyway, she said some nice things about my site and added me to her links. I always try to do the same, so look for it as my newest link. :) Thanks for the nice things you said. I look forward to reading your blogger in greater detail.

Ok, lunch is already over and it's still been a busy and hectic day today (having decided to completely reprogram the way the phone calls are answered since no one could figure out the concept of "Park" in lieu of "Hold." That took up a significant portion of the morning, not to mention needing about a thousand things from Office Depot that somehow became my day to do the shopping). I'm just looking forward to a nice weekend. Ah...weekend. How I love thee, let me count the ways....

Hu? Oh, nevermind. Everyone already knows how great they are. But you know then how limited they are too - especially when you've got both days booked already and can only seriously daydream about going to bed at 10pm on Friday. (no really, I'm damn tired. Sleeping sounds like more fun then anything right about now) Tomorrow we're heading off to the Renn Faire again. (mmm...Renn Faire....) so that means getting up early, lots of walking, and being in the hot sun all day. Not exactly restful. (fun, yes. Restful no.) And of course, Sunday is Easter Sunday and that means running across 60-odd miles to get to one family for a 10am breakfast and then in the complete opposite direction to get to the other fora 2pm lunch. Arg. Bad damn thing about holiday's - there's no time to rest.

I've been tinkering with some ideas for having a full-fledged personal section of the domain for my poetry, art, and etc. to go along with my journal. Been wanting to make it its own little subdomain sorta for months now. Got a little bit done last night - some colors and some images - but that still needs a lot to finish flushing out the layout. Additionally, Chris and I are working on The New Project and since I'm doing all the design/art for it, I need to get on that as well. Haven't quite visualized a layout yet, but got some ideas I want to play around with. Give us a couple weeks to get it all finished and you'll hear about it here. *grin* My personal section on the other hand, should be done this weekend. (it's small - not at all like a full domain worth of work!) More news as I have it.

Ok, well I've managed to babble on quite a bit more then was intended, so I'm off. More if I've got time tonight, otherwise, expect a second recap sometime tomorrow eve. :)

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