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Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Ugh. You wouldn't believe the troubles I've already had. Gods, now I remember why Time Warner is the devil. Immediately after making the last post, RR went down. Dead. Gone. So I call tech support. Get some snotty kid asking if the cable's plugged in. It's like look kid, I've got a Network Engineer (my friend Rand), an MIS Manger (my Love) and I'm a webmater here so I think we're a tech saavy enough to know to check the fucking cable.

Long story short, he tells me something is wrong on this end and that it requires another service visit. Then he starts in on things like Sunday or Friday. Um, hello? I don't fucking thing so asshole, you're telling me that the person set it up wrong, I've already paid, but I'm expected to wait DAYS for you to come back out and set this up? After my Love took half a day off just to get it done in the first place today? ARG. He then offers tomorrow between 12pm-6pm. But, they can call 20 minutes prior to arrival so my Love can leave work and meet them here. Nice. Thanks you morons.

The good thing? It came back up all on it's own. Is it stable? Who knows, but there's the fill-in in case it goes *poof* again. /me sighs... Is a little bit of net too much to ask?

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