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Monday, March 18, 2002

So my boss went to Mexico and all I got.... LOL Actually, he did go to Mexico last week for a convention and he really did bring me back a t-shirt. Thought that was kinda cool.

So, the weekend recap isn't really a weekend recap, it's only a Sunday recap 'cause I was here at work on Saturday and I even made a brief post. So, let's skip right past that and get to Sunday - the Renn Fair day!

You first have to understand that the Renn Fair is an annual tradition around here. It almost got cancelled for good a couple years back, but so many people love it so much that they demanded it be allowed to stay. Surprisingly, the city government gave in to the public wishes and here it is still. Beyond this year being the 23rd annual such event, it's also an annual tradition amoung myself and all my friends. (I stash money all year in small increments so I can buy stuff there) So, Rand, my Love and I all plan last week that Sunday was the day. And Sunday he came over to the apartment and we all headed out. Made the traditional stop to pick up the ever important sunscreen (a lovely spf 45 which I'll have to give the name for since it worked GREAT and I recommed it highly) and found our way at the location by about noon. Parking of course was a beast - the main lot is always only half full when they close it off, causing people to scramble for parking on surrounding neighborhood streets, hense the reason for Rand's Jeep (it can off-road) - but luckily enough, we manged to park in a lot not too far away for only $2. The profits went to a local school band, so more's the better.

Turned out to be a record-high temperature day on Sunday, reaching 88 degrees F. (with a 60-odd% humidity factor making the feels-like temperature even hotter). I took a ton of cool pics (42 in all actually!) that I'm sorting through and will make a page for when I can upload them myself from home on Wednesday. (whoo-hoo!) This time around, it was shopping. Next time (yes, we always go more then once) we'll get around to the Joust, the Human Chess, and some of the shows (like the ever-hysterical must see Tortuga Twins). ***ok, tangent time...just noseing through their site and apparently they're looking for footage from last year's show and guess what? MY LOVE AND I WERE PART OF THE SHOW THEY'RE LOOKING FOR! LOL (you can read about it at the time here in my journal achives. It's the very beginning of that entry starting off with "Let's Start Off Light" You may need to actually scroll up to almost the day before to see the actual entry. That is too funny though. I just had to email them to tell them I was one of the people in the show they're looking for. LOL***

I bought myself all kinds of things... (see? saving up and planning ahead is the smart way to do it!) Including this ring:

I also FINALLY bought myself the black angel wings I've been wanting for years, a beautiful print by L. A. Williams, a petwer faerie perfume holder and a Tree Of Life necklace. Mmmm..Stuff! :) I'll get the pics up by Wednesday, I promise. Anyway, we had TONS of fun and there's even more I want to get still. I can't wait to go back. The good news too - I did not get even a smidge burnt. Yeah for me.

Better wrap up for now since my lunch is over. More later if possible, or just more tomorrow.

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