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Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Oh! This is the best. I LOVE Changeling!

What kith are you? Find out here.

Sidhe tend to display a natural talent for leadership and diplomacy who seem to learn dignity along with their abc's. It's difficult to make them look foolish, as most have had long practice at keeping their dignity no matter the situation. The sidhe are also incredibly attractive, with the frail, ethereal quality of the 'classic' fae of imagination and story. This is often quite disturbing when the awe-inspiring sidhe you meet who's just left you tongue-tied flies into a rage. A sidhe posesses that vague, indefinable 'it' that draws others to them, to the enchanted, they truly shine. All sidhe have an ethereal beauty in their fae forms, far beyond that of mortal understanding.

No comments from the peanut gallery. Of course I'm a sidhe. Nobility and beauty at it's finest. *grins*

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