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Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Lunch time. I need to find some food for comsuption - mm....food - but I can't think of what I want. Hrm. Also, I'm feeling really lazy about it all. Got to bed about midnight or so last night. Went over to see my friend Joolo's new apt yesterday (finally, he's been in there a couple weeks already) and promptly got tackled by my goddaughter. She's over his place for the week because she's on Spring Break from school. (she's 5 1/2) As soon as I walked in the door she came running up to me, hugging me, and asking me to play with her. She's so cute. We spent the next 2 hours playing hide-and-seek, coloring, and just being silly. Fun was had by all, but sheesh, I can't keep up with her! lol

But, by the time we left, we had been there far more hours then we had intended. It was about 11pm by the time we got home. (we left with the intention of stopping by, getting some dinner and heading home. so much for that. Or dinner). Luckily enough, we had just bought some cereal the other night and even had fresh milk in the fridge. So we chowed down on Fruity Pebbles.

Mmmmm...sugary goodness.

It's been so long since I've had them. They are still as absolutly yummy as they were when I was a kid. Why don't I eat kids cereal more often again? Damn, I mean I'm finally at an age where I can pick the one I want not to mention dig to the bottom to get the toy right away, and I never get any. This has got to change. I also bought some Corn Pops but I haven't opened those yet. Mmmm....I see more cereal in my future. This stuff rocks.

Anyway, off to get some food. Cam's on today. I've got stuff to do in and away from my desk so if I'm not there, well, I'm not at my desk. lol

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