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Friday, February 22, 2002


Thank goodness it's Friday. It's rainy outside which fits my mood - dreary - and I just want to go home right about now. Curl up and sleep; escape from the world, from damned pain that won't end, from my mind which still seems foggy and vague today. My good mood of the earlier week has worn so thin as to break. I don't know why per se, just that it's gone and has left me with a hollow inside. It too hurts and there seems no end in sight - a looming darkness stretching into infinity. So little chance to pause, rest, and grow strong again...

I don't know what I'm writing about - wasn't even intending to write anything, just update a link in my code, but these words started pouring out so I let them. I need desperately to get to work, my co-worker Michelle is out sick today and this leaves the office to me. *sighs* It will be a busy day.

trudging onwards...no rest for the weary...when weary is the soul, soon too does the body follow.

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