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Monday, February 11, 2002

People suck. Yup, it's official. Here's why...

I just don't get it. The web is a DAMN big place full of millions of people, sites, and opinions. People talk about all sorts of things - from the mundane and boring to the hostile and offensive and every where in between. Let me quote something from a thread on my forum where some people were posting bitches just to hear themselves bitch.

"...the web is large enough that we can leave one place, start a new, and never again meet. It really DOES work. There are millions of sites out there, not all of them get along, but guess what? THEY DON'T HAVE TO. Ignoring those sites you don't like is a simple and easy thing to do. Do you know how many sites are out there that I violently oppose? I'm not talking roleplaying bullshit, or this political bullshit that just won't die, I mean sites activly recruiting children to be KKK for example! This shit is utter and complete trash - the propigation of hatred, racism, and bigotry. But you know what? I don't wage a war, make a scene, inflitrate their discussions and undermine their site owners. It's just stupid. It doesn't prove anything, it accomplishes nothing, and just makes me as the attacker look the fool.

Some people just like to play the fool - and those who have nothing better to do then mock me, this site, the way it's run, or anything having to do with DDD, can go find somewhere else to hang out It's a REALLY simple concept people - the open door works both ways: come or go, but don't hang out just to spread your own little bitterness..."

There's an X in the corner. Don't like me? Leave. Please. I just don't get what makes people think that a website is worth throwing a temper-tantrum over and looking the fool for doing it? You think I'm stupid for having an open contribution on the site? Well then don't do it on yours. Personally, I think people who don't understand the idea that a lot of people doing a little can accomplish so very much must be a very lonely person indeed. Dawna contributed $10 because she wanted to, just like when I bought her a ceremonal dagger on Ebay, I wanted to. It's what having friends is about.

Anyway, this post is late because I didn't really get a chance to have a real lunch today - this is just some stolen time to post. I'm looking forward to having my friend Joolo over tonight - I was really worried about him leaving for this trip - but overall, it's just one of those days I can't wait to just go home.

T-1.5 hours to go... :)

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