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Tuesday, January 22, 2002

Ok, I wanted to save this since I thought it was really good. It's in a reply to a thread on my Embracing Mystery forum. Someone claimed that they had helped create the universe. I said that the Divine created the universe, some were just there to watch. It sparked this notion that I was contradicting myself, so I made the following post to affirm they were simply confused. I just liked the way I captured the idea of the birth of the universe..

Not contradiction at all. You just misunderstand.

Imagine this: At one point, everything was One. Everything occupied a space so small as to be uncomprehensible to the mind. Everything that was, was part of Her. (the Divine as I call Her)

And then She created the universe. It happened in a sudden "Big Bang" as science likes to call it. Suddenly, everything was moving away from the One that was Her.

To bear witness is not to cause the Break. In that fleeting sliver of time, all that had previously been together, were outsiders, onlookers, and observers to Her creation.

All life and creation is made by Her - even those who witnessed the Break. They found themselves alone in an alien idea - for the universe is a concept at it's core - alone and without Her. They took on the pieces left scattered after the Break - the new atoms that She made - and clothed themselves in a form. But, to dress is not to have created the clothing just as to take form (where before there was only formlessness) is not to have created the atoms.

Those who bore witness were a part of the birth of the universe because they were a part of the Divine, but it was not their idea to create the universe - She did that for them, and for us.

Time moves swiftly forward and all those fragments we call atoms that she cast out into the universe slowly formed together to make life as it is today. She is still out there, but instead of being One thing as long ago, She is in every small piece of existance. Some have more peices then others and therefore have a closer connection to Her, but all things are of and from, Her.

Take it as you will, but these are the things that I know.

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